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The living world class 6th science


The Living World 

Characteristics of living things :

1)Growth - 

                        Young one grows in height, weight and strength and becomes an adult.

2)Necessity of food - 

                         Plants prepare their own food by photosynthesis. Animals consum the ready food.

3)Respiration - 

                          All the living things need oxygen for survival.

4)Excretion -

                       Waste substances are eliminated from the body.

5)Reproduction - 

                     Generating new young one like itself.

6)Responsiveness to stimuli -                                  Responding to the change in the surroundings.

7)Movement - 

           Moving of their own accord.

8)Definite lifespan -

                        Every living thing has a fixed lifespan which comes to an end was death.

9)Cellular structure - 

              Living things are either unicellular or multicellular.

Solve the test number :1

Solve the test number : 2

Solve the test number : 3

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