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Types Of Tenses



A verb is a word which indicates an action.

Verbs have different forms called Tenses. The tense of a verb indicates when the action happens.

The tense of a verb shows the time of an action.

There are three main tenses:

1. Present Tense :(वर्तमान काळ )

                 A verb that refers to the present time is said to be in the present tense. 


1) I read.

2)She speaks.

3)We tell.

2. Past Tense :(भूतकाळ )

                    verb that refers to the past time is said to be in the past tense.


1) I read.

2)She spoke.

3)We told.

3. Future Tense :(भविष्यकाळ )

                      A verb that refers to the future time is said to be in the future tense.


1) I shall read.

2) She will speak.

3) We shall told.

Each Tense has four forms:

Uses of Tenses

1)Present Tense:

A) The Present Indefinite Tense: is used:

i) To express what is actually happening, at the present moment, 

for example:  

Aryan plays cricket.

ii) To express custom or habit;

 for example: 

 I write diary daily.

(iii) To express universal truth; 

for example: 

The sun is ultimate source of energy.

B) The Present Continuous Tense :

is used: 

To express an action going on at the time of speaking, 

for example:

1) Vishal is writing a poem.

2) They are teaching a story.

C) The Present Perfect Tense :   

                            Expresses an action that began in the past time and completed at the present time.

 for example:

1) I have completed a project.

2) she has promoted servent.

D) The Present Perfect Continuous Tense :

                        Shows that the action that began in the past is continuing up to the present time. for example:

1) I have been singing a song.

2) we have been looking a movie.

2)Past Tense :

1. The Past Indefinite Tense : 

                       Is used to express an action that took place in the past time.

for example:

1) I woke up late that day.

2) you did it.

2. The Past Continuous Tense: 

Is used to express an action that began and continuing in the past time.

for example:

1) They were solving many test.

2) Ram was playing badminton.

3. The Past Perfect Tense:

                          Is used to indicate an action that began in the past had been completed before another action in the past was started.

for example:

1) I had done much work.

2) They had used mobile phones.

4. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense: 

             Shows that the action had continued for a certain time previous to the point of past time.

 for example:

1) Monica had been speaking slowly.

2) They had been creating magic words.

3 )Future Tense:

1. The Future Indefinite Tense:

                            Is used to express some future action or event.

for example:

1) I will do it.

2) He will be there.

2. The Future Continuous Tense: 

                         Is used to express an action that will be continuing at some point in future time.

 for example:

1) Neha will be keeping home clean.

2) Amruta Shall be listening her mother.

3. The Future Perfect Tense:

                        Tells that the action will be completed before another action in the future.

 For example:

1) I shall have translated sentences.

2) You will have formulated it.

4. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense: 

                  Indicates an action that will have been in progress for some time.

 for example:

1) They will have been washing car.

2) We shall have been going movie. 

Solve the test number : 1

Solve the test number : 2

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Solve the test number :4

Solve the test number : 5

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